About Us

Integrated Dairies Limited (IDL) was incorporated as a Private Limited Liability Company in April 2003.

Since then, we have been producing and processing fresh milk and dairy products in Nigeria. We are currently operating on 550 hectares of land located inside the National Veterinary Research Institute (NVRI) in Vom, Plateau State, a highland excellent for animal husbandry, where our dairy farm and main processing facilities are situated.

We house more than 500 Holstein Friesian cows; and, with over 180 personnel, we operate through the whole value chain: from rearing the cows; to producing all the hay, silage and concentrates; to processing and delivery of fresh dairy products to the consumer.

Currently, under the name of FarmFresh, we produce the following products:

  • Pasteurised full and low fat milk
  • Stirred yoghurt in various flavours
  • Drinking yoghurt in various flavours

Farm Fresh® products are of world-class standards and distributed to major supermarkets, restaurants and hotels in all major cities of Nigeria. There are two sales outlets for direct sales to consumers in Jos, with sales depots in Abuja and Lagos, and distributors nation-wide.


Our Vision

To be the premiere producer of fresh dairy products in West Africa.

Our Mission

To meet the expectations of stakeholders by producing high quality dairy products that are affordable and satisfy the nutritional needs of our customers at all times.

Core Values

  • Teamwork
  • Integrity
  • Excellence
  • Innovation
  • Leadership
  • ‘Can do’ Attitude
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